Life long learning with ERC

Interested in becoming a provider, instructor or course organiser? With our help you can learn and grow into an expert life saver.

Introducing the ERC teaching system

Our teaching system is designed with many checks and balances to guarantee the best possible quality.


A Provider is an individual who has successfully completed a provider course (BLS, BLS/AED, ILS, ALS, EPILS, EPALS, NLS).


The courses are taught by trained instructors who have undertaken an ERC course in teaching and assessment.


The Course Organiser (CO) is an individual or an organisation, who administers the financial and logistical aspects of the course.

Course organiser flowchart

Faculty: Course Director, Course Director Candidate, Full Instructors, Instructor Candidates, Instructor Trainers, Instructor Trainer Candidates, Educators and Educator Candidates make up the faculty of ERC courses.

Provider (P): A Provider is an individual who has successfully completed a provider course (BLS, BLS/AED, ILS, ALS, EPILS, EPALS, NLS).

Instructor Potential (IP): An Instructor Potential is an individual who has completed a provider course or recertification course successfully and has shown an aptitude to teach.

Instructor Candidate (IC): An Instructor Candidate is an individual who has passed an Instructor Course successfully (BLS/AED Instructor Course or Generic Instructor Course).

Full Instructor (FI) A Full Instructor is an individual who has successfully completed his/her FI training and Instructor Candidacy as described in the “Faculty” section (and has recertified when required). Full Instructors teach on provider courses.

Instructor Trainer Candidate (ITC): A Full Instructor from a relevant course type who is invited to teach on an Instructor Course, is called an Instructor Trainer Candidate until upgraded to Instructor Trainer.

Instructor Trainer (IT) Instructor Trainers teach on an Instructor Course after successfully having completed their Instructor Trainer Candidate training and after having recertified if required.

Course Director Candidate (CDC): A Course Director Candidate is an experienced instructor for that course type who is invited to shadow the Course Director.

Course Director (CD): A Course Director is a senior instructor who takes overall responsibility for the course and ensures that the course is run according to ERC guidelines and rules.

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