Children are susceptible to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) but often seem to have only mild disease. Very young children and children with co-morbid diseases may be more prone to severe illness. In the largest, currently-published, paediatric, case-series (Chinese CDC 01/16 – 02/08; n=2143) 5.2% had severe disease (defined as ‘dyspnoea, central cyanosis and an oxygen saturation of less than 92%’), and 0.6% had critical disease. However, many other pathogens and/or underlying aetiologies might cause respiratory failure in children and a clear diagnosis may be difficult to obtain. Taking this into account, the ERC paediatric guideline writing group [pWG] is aware that any changes to resuscitation guidelines might have a significant impact on the management and subsequent outcomes of critically ill children.